My Story

My Gifts

May it be the first of many months dating together

Blant24 09-06-2024

To share a coffee in the cold weather that was happening in our countries

Blant24 02-06-2024

Tenho saudades

Blant24 25-04-2024

Nem todo mundo tem a sorte que tivemos, nos encontramos em um otimo lugar e progredimos muito. Você é muito importante pra mim

Blant24 09-04-2024

Siberian Pooh.

Skiff 02-04-2024

you came into my lonely island right in the perfec time.

Oba_Gowon_Jr 07-03-2024

for the amazing night you gave me

Oba_Gowon_Jr 15-02-2024

I found the right direction keep walking without getting tired, without getting bored always with fun and passion and laugh

Oba_Gowon_Jr 15-02-2024

was very nice to meet with you Brillant , bad and a bit mad, and lot of other interesting things you are

Oba_Gowon_Jr 11-02-2024

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