My Story

My Gifts

I'm always happy to help~

Rizetta 11-04-2023

the key to my bedroom.. so you can always serve your owner like a good monkey

Oppai-Senpai 16-01-2023

Thanks for painting my insides <3

Darlene 13-01-2023

Excuse me!! You smell like a filthy slut

Atasha 10-01-2023

Happy New Year~ ;*

QueenSophie 02-01-2023

Don't forget to buy a leash for your new pet~

Rizetta 29-12-2022

įղէҽɾɾąçìąӀ ʂմɾքìʂҽ Ͳհąղҟʂ ƒօɾ çօʍìղց ìղ ąղժ ցìѵìղց ìէ էօ հҽɾ Ϛհҽ'ʂ ҍҽҽղ Ӏօօҟìղց ƒօɾաąɾժ էօ ìէ ąӀӀ ղìցհէ βꝈȺ↻Ҡ ̷Pටచҽɾ

Jamie 09-11-2022

God damn~! I can't believe that even after breeding that milf... with your thick, creamy seed~! That you've still had plenty of pent up frustrations... just for me~!

Jamie 07-11-2022

Thank you for BLACKING me 2 hours straight~ it's going to take days to take out all the cum you pumped into me and i'm not even on the pill, tsk~tsk~

RoxyCupcake 13-08-2022

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